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Deblanco limousines are glad to announce the Formal opening of the “Operation Art 2011 Sydney Olumpic Park, Armory Gallery” was opened by NSW Premier, Hon. Barry O’farrel MP( Operation Art is an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in association with the NSW Department of Education & Communities. It is Proudly supported by Meriton Apartments, Deblanco Limousines Hire Sydney Ph: 0416160166

A registered art gallery in its own right, The children’s Hospital at Westmead has a large collection of paintings.

Operation Art showcases young School artists from across NSW at Sydney Olympic Park each year, the art work from all schools in NSW only few were selected only the best ones were selected for example only two paintings were selected from Caddy’s Creek School in Glenwood NSW from the entire school, and Jayden’s Ayoub painting which he painted at the age of 6 was selected, Deblanco Limousines ( sponsored a limo ride for Jayden & his parents to arrive in VIP style, Chrysler 300C limousine for drop off & pick up after the Expo. Lucky Jayden arrived like a celebrity in a  Limousine at the Expo. The super stretched Chrysler 300C limo made an entry at the opening day with red carpet rolled up, and jayden had the pleasure of meeting & taking photos with The NSW Premier, Hon. Barry O’farrell MP after the big opening of the Expo.

In the early afternoon the Stretch Limousine Chrysler 300C provided by deblanco limousine ( arrived to pick up the young school artist and take him for a Sydney formal limousine tour.

It is very pleasing to realise that so many young school students are happy to make a contribution to help the spirits of children who are in hospital. Thank you very much for all the school students for entering their art work in this year’s operation Art Expo. & thanks to NSW Education & Communities, Meriton, Sydney OlympicPark & Deblanco Limousines for your support.